Not only a tool to justify U.S. and Israeli intervention, the label is increasingly dividing Iranian society from within.
A new common sense has emerged regarding the perils of predictive algorithms. As the groundbreaking work of scholars like Safiya Noble, Cathy O’Neil, Virginia Eubanks, and Ruha Benjamin has shown, big ...
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In an interview in May, the head of the Israeli military intelligence’s targeting division responded to outrage over the civilian death toll in Gaza by boasting that algorithmic surveillance systems ...
Stephen M. Meyer is a professor of political science at MIT and the director of the MIT Project on Environmental Politics and Policy.
Sarah Myers West is Co-Executive Director of the AI Now Institute and serves on the OECD’s Expert Group on AI Futures.
Audrey Tang is Cyber Ambassador-at-large of Taiwan, where she previously served as the first Minister of Digital Affairs. She is coauthor, with E. Glen Weyl, of Plurality: The Future of Collaborative ...
We rely on contributions from readers to keep our pages free and open for everyone. Become a supporting reader today. A political and literary forum, independent and nonprofit since 1975. Registered ...
A political and literary forum, independent and nonprofit since 1975. Registered 501(c)(3) organization.
Matthew Crain is Associate Professor of Media and Communication at Miami University and author of Profit over Privacy: How Surveillance Advertising Conquered the ...
A political and literary forum, independent and nonprofit since 1975. Registered 501(c)(3) organization.
A political and literary forum, independent and nonprofit since 1975. Registered 501(c)(3) organization.