In the videos shared by the Claims Conference, one survivor, Alfred Sobotka, shares a photo from his bar mitzvah, and points to his father and brother, both gassed on arrival at Auschwitz.
Kun and his brother Istvan survived Auschwitz in part due to the fact that Dr. Mengele believed them to be twins and thus ...
director of the Auschwitz museum. The database also provides the SS staff members’ personal data, including date and place of birth, service number, date of arrival to and departure from the ...
Fuelled partly by these prejudices, Höss prepared for the arrival of the Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau, 2 miles away from Auschwitz main camp. He oversaw the completion of a railway line ...
"If you aren't sent straight to the gas chamber on arrival, you don't survive long in Auschwitz anyway -- three months at most." Her musical skills gave her the chance to survive. "There were a ...
Mr Turski survived the Lodz Ghetto, extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau and two death marches as a teenager.
Rachael, returning to her barracks from work sorting possessions of murdered new arrivals at Auschwitz, found in the mud a ...
“It doesn’t do any good for your heart, for your mind, for anything,” said Holocaust survivor Jona Laks, 94, about her return to Nazi Germany’s Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. “But it’s ...
including his arrival at Auschwitz and incidents from his forced marches, “everything else was blurred.” Mr. Turski speculated that he may have unconsciously buried painful memories from his o ...
"Auschwitz was a laboratory for killing people ... walking under that sign and on to their deaths. Soon trains would arrive at Birkenau at a specially constructed ramp, a short distance away ...
But over time Helena's feelings changed, especially with the arrival of one particular train at Auschwitz Birkenau. Helena's sister was on board, along with her daughter and baby son. After they ...